Senin, 14 November 2016


Using Language Expression

Sesuai maknanya functional language adalah kemampuan memahami bahasa sesuai dengan fungsinya. Functional language dalam pemakaiannya disesuaikan dengan fungsinya. Sebagai contoh; “If I were you…” atau “my suggestion is…” digunakan dalam giving advice (memberikan nasehat). Sementara “it was my fault” atau “please forgive me” digunakan dalam apologizing (permintaan maaf).

Functional language dalam komunikasi antara lain berfungsi sebagai berikut:

a. Expressing request, permission, and offer (permohonan, izin, dan penawaran)
b. Expressing sympathy (rasa ikut bersedih)
c. Expressing prohibition (larangan)
d. Expressing invitation(mengundang), accepting (menerima) dan declining (menolak)
e. Expressing suggestion/recommendation/advice
f. Expressing frustration or annoyance
g. Expressing unfulfilled or unrealized actions or events

Masih ada banyak ungkapan-ungkapan lain yang bisa digunakan. Anda dapat mencari ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dengan membaca beberapa teori tentang hal itu dari sumber-sumber yang lain.


1. Expressing greeting

Ungkapan greeting biasa dipakai jika bertemu dengan seseorang baik yang sudah dikenal sebelumnya atau yang baru bertemu. Beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa dipakai antara lain;

 Hi, can I help you
 Hello, how are you doing?
 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
 Hi, it is nice to see you here. 2. Expressing Request (permohonan)

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Anda tidak pernah lepas dari campur tangan orang lain. Mengingat Anda tidak hidup sendirian dan tidak akan mungkin dapat melakukan segala sesuatu sendirian, maka Anda memerlukan bantuan orang lain. Ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai untuk melibatkan orang lain dalam kehidupan sangat penting untuk diketahui. Anda dapat memperhatikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini;

 Can you help me?
 Would you please ……..for me?
 Could you do me a favor?
 Could you ……
 Would you mind …
 Is it alright if I use this pen?

Waiter : Can I take your order, sir? Mr.X : Haddock and chips for me, please. Waiter : May I take your order, sir? Mr. N : Yes, I‟d like to try the steak, please.
Perhatikan table berikut untuk mempelajari kata-kata yang mempunyai fungsi hampir sama.

Polite request

 Could I get a price list, please?
 Would you drop off the flowers tomorrow, please


(Asking for permission)

(Giving or refusing permission)

 May I use your computer, please?
 You can attend Mr. Tom‟s lecture even if you don‟t like his subject.


Can/Could (statement)
May/Can/Could (Question)
 I could help you translate your paper if you‟re having trouble making it.
 May I drive you home after the meeting/

Adapted from The Advanced Grammar Book 295

Berikut ini contoh lain yang ungkapan yang lazim digunakan untuk menawarkan sesuatu kepada orang lain;

 Would you like some coffee?
 What can I do for you?
 What would you like to have for dinner?
 Do you need a hand?

Catatan khusus

Dalam hal request perlu diperhatikan siapa yang melakukan tindakan atas suatu permohonan.
May close the door?
Can I close the door?
May I close the door? The speaker closes the door.
Would you mind if I closed the door?
(Never use would I for a request.
Could you close the door?
Can you close the door? The listener closes the door.
Would you close the door?
Would you mind closing the door?

3. Expressing Sympathy

Ungkapan sympathy ini digunakan dalam situasi ketika orang lain tertimpa musibah atau mendapat hal yang tidak menyenangkan.

 Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
 That‟s too bad
 How poor.
 Oh sorry about it.


A : Hi, why are you in hurry?
B : I have to go home now.
A : Why? What‟s going on?
B : I got a call that my grandma is sick and we have to go to hometown.
A : Oh, I‟m sorry to hear that. I hope your grandma will be okay soon.
B : Thanks.

4. Expressing Prohibition

Untuk tujuan melarang atau menyarankan untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu, Anda dapat menggunakan kalimat larangan.

 Don‟t do that!
 Keep silent!
 Would you please not smoke here?
 I‟m afraid not!
 No you can‟t

5. Expressing invitation

Ketika Anda ingin mengundang seseorang kesuatu acara maka sebaiknya Anda juga menyebutkan nama, acara, jam, dan tempat serta pernyataan „mengundang‟.
 I want to celebrate my birthday party tomorrow at 7 in my house, would you like to come?
 There is an important seminar on IT at Graha Hall at 8 in the morning. Do you want to come with me
 The movie “The Boy in the Stripped Pijamas” will be released in cinemas tonight, would you like to come with me there?


Ludi Invites Maya to go to a Movie
Ludi : Hi, Maya. There will be a great film tonight. It‟s about vampire.
Would you like to go to the movie with me?
Maya : Yes, I‟d like to very much. When will you pick me up?
Ludi : I‟ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK!
Maya : Alright.

6. Accepting an Invitation

Untuk menerima suatu undangan Anda dapat menggunakan ungkapan yang ada pada contoh dibawah ini;
 That‟s a good idea.
 I‟d love to. What time shall we go?
 That sounds nice.
 Okay, I‟ll go with you
 That‟s great. I can‟t wait to go


Indra : Hi, Anya. Have you seen The Conjuring movie?
Anya : Hi, Indra. I have not seen that movie. Why?
Indra : Would you like to see The Conjuring movie with me tonight?
Anya : Unfortunately. I can‟t because I am scared horror movie.
Indra : Okay if you are scared horror movie. Shall we come to fireworks party in the downtown?
Anya : When it happen?
Indra : Tonight, dear. How?
Anya : Really?
Indra : Yeah, if you can.
Anya : With pleasure, Ndra. I like fireworks very much.
Indra : Okay, I will pick you up at 8 pm.
Anya : Thank you, Ndra.

7. Declining an Invitation

Jika Anda ingin menolak suatu undangan jangan lupa untuk memberikan alasan
 That‟s sound good, but I have another thing to do tonight.
 I‟m sorry I can‟t. I have to stay at home for my parents out of town.
 I‟d love to but I don‟t like it.


Tika : Hi, Mit.
Mita : Hi, Tika. What‟s up?
Tika : By the way, are you free next Saturday?
Mita : I think so. What‟s going on?
Tika : I have a plan to visit my grandmother in Malang for a day and I don‟t have a friend to chat in the journey. How would you like to join me?
Mita : That sounds nice. But I have to ask my parents for permission.
Tika : That‟s good then. Okay, I‟ll wait the news from you tonight.Bye…bye…
Mita : Bye…

8. Expressing suggestion/advice

Berikut ini adalah contoh ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai untuk memeberikan saran:
 You should see a doctor.
 You ought to go to school earlier.
 You had better leave after the rain stops.
 You should lock the door before leaving home.
 You should reconsider before you choose such an expensive wedding ring.

9. Expressing frustration or annoyance

Untuk mengungkapkan rasa frustrasi atau kebencian atas suatu permasalahan, Anda dapat menggunakan modal seperti: has to/had to, must, would atau would have to. Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan yang dapat Anda gunakan:
 They had to lower the tax deduction for married couples, didn‟t they?
 Must the media print every detail about the lives of the rich and famous?
 You would show up at this party!
 The teacher would have to announce my engagement to class.
 Of course, since we‟re having he reception outside, it has to rain.

10. Modality

Dari contoh-contoh ungkapan diatas Anda dapat mengenali penggunaan modal.
Di antaranya adalah;
 Can
 Will
 Must
 Shall
 Can’t
 Would
 Could

Untuk menunjukkan tingkat kesopanan dalam berbahasa modal yang sering dipakai adalah (could dan would). Pembahasan tentang modal itu sendiri secara detail dapat Anda pelajari di bab Grammar Usage.

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh dialog dengan bentuk modal di dalamnya

Dialog 1
A: Will I meet your family?
B: No. They won‟t be here this week.
A: When can I meet them?
B: Next week.
A: I can‟t meet them next week.
B: Why not?
A: I must be in New York next week.

Dialog 2
A: What do you think I ought to see in London first?
B: Well, historical places, I think. You should go to Westminster Abbey, and if you can, go to the Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery.
A: And what about the British Museum? I was told one ought to see it.
B: I suppose you must go there. There you can find masterpieces of the world‟s best artists.
A: How can I get to the centre?
B: I think you can go by steamer down the Thames from Westminster to Tower Bridge. That‟s a very pleasant way to travel, and you can see London bridges and quite a number of buildings on the way.

Dialog 3
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where South Street is, please?
B: Take the second turning on the left and then ask again.
A: Is it far?
B: No, you can walk it under ten minutes.
A: Thanks very much.
B: It‟s a pleasure.

Dialog 4
A: Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the town centre?
B: First right, second left. You can‟t miss it.
A: Thank you.
B: That‟s OK.

Dialog 5
A: Does this bus go to the station?
B: No, you‟ll have to get off at the bank, and take 178.
A: Can you tell me where to get off?
B: It‟s the next stop.

Dialog 6
A: Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?
B: No, you should have caught a 12. Get off at the bridge and get one there.
A: Could you tell me when we get there?
B: It‟s the next stop but one.

Dialog 7
A: Let‟s go shopping. I have got quite a number of things to buy, and I believe I can getthem all in this shop. You see, I ought to buy a present for my friend. She has invited me to her birthday. What shall we look at first?
B: Gloves, I think. They must be on the ground floor. Yes, here we are, and I can see just the kind I want.
A: Well, that didn‟t take us long, now let‟s go up by the escalator to the third floor.
B: We‟ll just take a quick look around to see if there is anything we could take back as presents for the family.
A: I like these books, and do you? Shall we ask how much they are?
B: I want to get a comb and some hair clips. Where do you think I can find them?
A: Oh, you must go to the haberdashery department. That‟s on a lower floor, I believe. We‟ll get them on our way out.
B: How do you like those white shoes just over there, on the right?
A: I like them very much, indeed. They are perfect for summer wear.
B: Do you think they‟re my size? They look just about right.
A: You should try them on.